In men, gynecomastia is a common condition in which the breast tissue is enlarged, sometimes resembling the female chest. This can cause undue embarrassment and even social withdrawal. A male breast reduction, however, is an excellent solution and can be performed to strip away excess fat and skin, revealing a more chiseled, masculine physique.
Who makes a good candidate for the procedure?
Any man who feels self-conscious about his “breasts” will make a good candidate for surgery, provided he is of sound mind and body, and is realistic in his expectations for the outcome of the procedure. Patients must be non-smokers who do not suffer from any significant medical conditions such as obesity, hypertension or heart disease. Dr. Zampell will perform a physical exam and in-depth review of your medical history during your private Beverly Hills consultation, and will determine the best course of action for sculpting your chest and improving your quality of life.